Astro uses great content ideas to attract more consumers to their brand. They do not, however, do this often enough to engage its audience. Below is a breakdown of the brands online social media presence.
Astro Facebook Post Example |
Facebook page likes and is rated 3/5 stars in popularity among its likes
on the recipes and various ways one can utilize yogurt.
that is fresh, industry specific, and follows the 50/50 rule.
major pitfall: Astro does not regularly post content.
are usually a month apart.
Visitor posts are a strong point of their Facebook presence as customers post regularly each month with positive feedback and reviews of their products. |
Twitter (@astroyogourt)
A promotional Tweet released by Astro |
strong theme that corresponds to their brands colors.
red is powerful and draws attention to the page.
I do not
feel as though their Twitter presence is demanding, however, it is positive
that they have a base of followers to re-tweet and reuse their content.
account was created in January of 2010.
of 2,550 tweets with content gearing towards recipes
of happy customers
important note is that their last post was in May of 2015 and is not considered
current content. It is strongly recommended that they update their pages more
often because Twitter is considered a “river” of flowing content.
Description found on Astro Yogourt's Twitter Page using keywords "Rich. Creamy..." |
A snapshot of the Astro YouTube Channel |
the lowest ranked of the social media platforms used by Astro is YouTube.
of traffic.
It is
highly recommended and encouraged for the brand to utilize this platform more
often and make a call to action from its website to link to its YouTube
channel. A great idea is to have content creators and consumers of Astro yogurt
to produce recipe videos and submit to Astro for content.
This platform must encourage more engagement by
its subscribers.
These are various recipe boards Pinned by Astro |
A great way
to implement content across Pinterest is to focus the content on food.
Pinterest is a large platform that is ideal to post recipes to boards for your
followers to recommend and share and pin to their boards. I feel that Astro did
a great job of accomplishing this by posting yogurt related recipes to its 22
varying boards and 534 pins to its 182 followers.
A weak point of this Astro platform is that
they have received a total of only 1 like.
In conclusion, I feel as though the Astro Brand utilizes the great selling points of a strong food industry social media platform, but does not come close to the strength of its competitors. It seems as though it is a lazy attempt at reaching its audience without fully committing to modern marketing practices that require social media.