
Reflective Analysis and Thank You!

The final stage of our culminating term project is to evaluate its progress and development through a Reflective Analysis of our social media campaigns.

We'll be going in-depth and discussing:

  • our blogging platform,
  • our social media platforms,
  • promotional strategies,
  • goals,
  • analytics,
  • insights, and
  • tools used during this process.
Check out our Reflective Analysis here!

We'd also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took interest in our content and for engaging with our social media platforms :)


Anna Toppetta , Ross Begbie , and Vijeyta Bali


Liberte Social Media Marketing Plan


The marketing campaign that would be created would be for Liberte. 


The idea is that we would have a promotion where consumers on Instagram would post pictures of their liberte greek yogurt, or any of their food that contains liberte greek yogurt with a hashtag of #LiberteGreekCanada2016. Those who do will be put in a draw to win a trip to Greece for a week. The audience would be consumers who like to eat healthy, and are interested in travelling. The goals would be to have an increase in followers of about 1000 and increase traffic with the amount of Liberte hashtags. 


The best time to launch this promotion would be in the beginning of April and to have the draw by May 1st and for the winner to be on their way to Greece by May 20. This promotion will definitely be promoted on Instagram but on Facebook as well as they are both very popular with people posting Instagram pictures on Facebook. This will attract and acquire the audience as it is a chance for them to win a trip to Greece, and this will engage them by having hem post pictures of their food on Instagram with the hashtag #LiberteGreekCanada2016.


Liberte Fan Page

Fan Page

Just like Oikos, Liberte does not have many fan pages either, I was able to come across a Facebook group with fans of Liberte yogurt. You can find the fan page through this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/39139548897/?fref=ts
Liberte Fan Page

Their description is “For any fan of Liberté yogurt. YUM.”, and they have 216 group members. There are a lot of posts in the group, posts by admin and group members. The content in their posts range from talking about their favourite yogurts to talking about changes in the brand that they disagree on.


Oikos Fan Page

Fan Page

Oikos does not have many fan pages, in fact there was only one we were able to come across, which was a facebook community page. You can find the fan page through this link: https://www.facebook.com/Oikos-Greek-Yogurt-332659363561431/?fref=ts
Oikos Community Fan Page

There is nothing posted on their page just, a profile picture of one of their yogurt products. Their last post was on September 9, 2014, which was their profile picture, and they only have 30 likes.


Oikos Vs Liberte on YouTube


The Oikos YouTube page has 5803 subscribers and 5,257,928 views, while the Liberte YouTube page has 227 subscribers and 2,836,967 views. Oikos posts about two to three videos a month, while Liberte posts about three to four videos a month. The videos that Oikos post are primarily commercials with some recipe how to videos as well, and Liberte posts more videos of commercials. In Oikos’ description they have the description “Dannon Oikos Greek Yogurt - Too Delicious to be so Nutritious” with links to their website, Facebook, twitter and store locator. In Liberte’s description they have the description “Nous créons les produits laitiers les plus simples et les plus savoureux qui soient. We craft the simplest and best-tasting dairy products” With links to their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and Pinterest. Both brands do not use the 50/50 rule on their YouTube pages.

Successful Posts

Oikos’ most successful video post is their Triple Zero commercial that has 1,963,153 views, 11 likes 6 dislikes, 2 comments and was posted 2 months ago. 
Oikos' Most Recent Successful YouTube Post to Date

Liberte’s most successful video post was their Liberté Greek Extra-Creamy - Thank you Simplicity ad that has 640,932 views, 3 likes, 1 dislike and 1 comment. 
Liberte's Most Recent Successful YouTube Post to Date

The Oikos video post was successful because they used a football player to promote their new Greek yogurt product that appealed to the health conscious and athletic consumers. Liberte video post was successful likely because it was a visually appealing ad, compared to their other videos, to promote their new yogurt.


Oikos Vs Liberte on Instagram


The Oikos Canada page has 303 posts, 2172 followers, and is following 547 other pages. The Liberte Canada Instagram page has 394 posts, 1889 followers, and is following 1306 other pages. Both brands post pictures on their Instagram pages at least twice a week. Oikos posts content such as contests, like a chance to go to Greece, promotions, their new products, and recipes. Liberte posts mostly recipes and suggestions to put the yogurt in. The description on Oikos’ Instagram page is “Oikos, the dream snack for your cravings. Be our hero! 👇🏻 Soyez notre héros!👇🏻 www.oikos.ca”, and the description on Liberte’s Instagram page is “Liberté Canada Liberté est une marque de yogourt et de produits laitiers frais et naturels. / Liberté is a brand of fresh, natural dairy products. #Liberté”. Both Oikos and Liberte mostly post pictures over videos, and use hashtags in their posts. Some of the keywords and hashtags that Oikos uses on Instagram are Greek, yogurt, snack, yummy, delicious, Foodgasm, and dreamsnack. Liberte uses keywords and hashtags such as probiotics, yogurt, Greek, breakfast, and delicious. Both brands do not use the 50/50 rule in their instagram posts.

Successful Posts

The most successful post on Oikos’ Instagram page is their most recent post which was posted two weeks ago, which has 100 likes and 55 comments. Here's a link to that post: https://www.instagram.com/p/BCqYAyYLKdK/?taken-by=oikos_canada
Oikos' Most Recent Successful Instagram Post to Date
 The most successful post on Liberte’s Instagram page was posted five weeks ago, which has 90 likes and 2 comments. Here's a link to that post: https://www.instagram.com/p/BBqHlsUEzmY/?taken-by=libertecanada
Liberte's Most Recent Successful Instagram Post to Date

 The Oikos post was successful because it was a good promotion idea that would give people the opportunity to win the contest. The Liberte post was successful because they introduced a new product of Liberte yogurt with different flavor that appealed to their consumers.


Oikos Vs Liberte on Twitter


Oikos has about 1182 tweets, 21.1k followers, 1757 likes and is following 232 other twitter pages. Liberte has about 1458 tweets, 1549 followers 785 likes and is following 1183 other twitter pages. Both brands tweet around once a week, but Oikos hasn’t tweeted anything since February and Liberte is still posting weekly. Both brands tweet very similar things as their Facebook pages. Oikos is tweeting their new products and their flavours with pictures and video commercials. Liberte is tweeting some of their new products, their discounts with coupons, and links to recipes. The common keywords and hashtags Oikos uses is similar to their Facebook page which are Greek, yogurt, protein, and snack. On Liberte’s Twitter page they use the keywords and hashtags such as Greek, yogurt, and Liberte. Both brands do not use the 50/50 rule in the tweets.

Successful Posts

 Oikos’ most successful tweet is their most recent one that was posted on February 9, with 455 retweets and 1.1k likes.
Oikos Most Recent Successful Tweet

 Liberte’s most successful tweet was posted on September 28, 2015 and has 13 retweets and 177 likes. 
Liberte's Most Successful Tweet

The Oikos tweet was successful because they posted about an MVP football player that to catch the attention of athletes and people who want to be healthy. The Liberte tweet, though it didn’t have as much retweets and likes compared to Oikos’ posts, was successful because it was a video commercial to promote the products and a discount. 


Oikos Vs Liberte on Facebook


Oikos has about 574,124 likes on their page while Liberte has 160,019. Both Oikos and Liberte yogurt post at least once a week and use both pictures and videos in their posts. Oikos and Liberte yogurt post all kinds of posts on their pages such as promos with coupons, videos to show their commercials, and links to Pinterest ideas for recipes. On Oikos’ Facebook page we see posts promoting new products such as the Oikos Crunch with 4 new flavours, and Oikos Triple Zero with 15g of protein that comes in a few different flavours. On Liberte’s Facebook page there are posts with links to recipes, posts of pictures with different products, and videos of commercials with coupons. Both brands promote new flavours, Oikos uses videos to post their new yogurt while Liberte uses coupons on their page that consumers can use. On Oikos’ Facebook page they use common keywords such as yogurt, Greek, protein and snack, on Liberte’s Facebook page they use common keywords such as Greek, yogurt, taste and delicious. Both brands do not use the 50/50 rule on their Facebook pages.

Successful Posts

Most of their posts are not very popular being under 1000 likes on most of their posts. 

There are some successful posts such as Oikos promotional video with 1.8k likes, 354k views, and 265 shares.

Oikos' Most Recent Successful Post to Date

Liberte’s coupon post with 642 likes and 65 shares.
Liberte's Most Recent Successful Post to Date.

The Oikos post was successful because it was an eye catching video commercial that people enjoyed watching and wanted to share. The Liberte post was successful because it posted a coupon with a discount for their yogurt that appeals to the consumers who want to save money.


Stonyfield: The Standard in Fresh Content

Stonyfield has created a strong online presence across its multiple social media platforms. It utilizes professional SEO techniques and practices that are evident in their fresh content.


Wow! Over half a million likes!
And just like that, Stonyfield is a prime example of how to use Facebook to produce followers, likes, and shares to spread its brand.

Some key points of its Facebook page is its over half a million likes, and fresh content. Just like its Yogurt, Stonyfield seems to produce content that is as fresh as its products.

An example of a Facebook post that is recipe related
Its Facebook posts, much like other yogurt companies, relates to recipes and how to best enjoy their products.


Stonyfield Twitter header and follower count
Stonyfield has a total of over 73,000 followers and nearly 12,000 tweets. This is a great example of a company creating poweful content that is constantly being updated.

Stonyfield posts about the industry and other dairy products in addition to yogurt


Stonyfield's YouTube Channel
Stonyfield uses a bright and friendly theme on its YouTube channel that corresponds to its other platforms layout and look. This continuity is welcoming and familiar to visitors. With a total of 506 subscribers, Stonyfield places it among the top of its competitors social media presence using YouTube.


Stonyfield Instagram profile
The fourth social media platform that Stonyfield capitalizes on its SEO and market outreach is the use of Instagram. With a whopping 564 posts going out to its nearly 9,000 followers, it is able to grow its brand and reach possibly tens of thousands of people around the world.

In conclusion, Stonyfield is possibly one of the strongest with its use of social  media. They have been active on social media as early as 2009 and continue to produce fresh content that its competitors cannot seem to replicate.

Astro: Not Fresh Enough to Keep Up

Astro uses great content ideas to attract more consumers to their brand. They do not, however, do this often enough to engage its audience. Below is a breakdown of the brands online social media presence.


Astro Facebook Post Example

·         68,099 Facebook page likes and is rated 3/5 stars in popularity among its likes
      Strong presence.
      Capitalized on the recipes and various ways one can utilize yogurt.
      Content that is fresh, industry specific, and follows the 50/50 rule.
      A major pitfall: Astro does not regularly post content.
      Posts are usually a month apart.

Visitor posts are a strong point of their Facebook presence as customers post regularly each month with positive feedback and reviews of their products.

Twitter (@astroyogourt)

A promotional Tweet released by Astro

·         Very strong theme that corresponds to their brands colors.
      The red is powerful and draws attention to the page.

I do not feel as though their Twitter presence is demanding, however, it is positive that they have a base of followers to re-tweet and reuse their content.
      Twitter account was created in January of 2010.
      Total of 2,550 tweets with content gearing towards recipes
            Pictures of happy customers

An important note is that their last post was in May of 2015 and is not considered current content. It is strongly recommended that they update their pages more often because Twitter is considered a “river” of flowing content.

Description found on Astro Yogourt's Twitter Page using keywords "Rich. Creamy..."


A snapshot of the Astro YouTube Channel

Possibly the lowest ranked of the social media platforms used by Astro is YouTube.
      81 subscribers.

      Devoid of traffic.

It is highly recommended and encouraged for the brand to utilize this platform more often and make a call to action from its website to link to its YouTube channel. A great idea is to have content creators and consumers of Astro yogurt to produce recipe videos and submit to Astro for content.

This platform must encourage more engagement by its subscribers.


These are various recipe boards Pinned by Astro

A great way to implement content across Pinterest is to focus the content on food. Pinterest is a large platform that is ideal to post recipes to boards for your followers to recommend and share and pin to their boards. I feel that Astro did a great job of accomplishing this by posting yogurt related recipes to its 22 varying boards and 534 pins to its 182 followers.

A weak point of this Astro platform is that they have received a total of only 1 like.

In conclusion, I feel as though the Astro Brand utilizes the great selling points of a strong food industry social media platform, but does not come close to the strength of its competitors. It seems as though it is a lazy attempt at reaching its audience without fully committing to modern marketing practices that require social media.


The Delicious Yogurt Brand - Activia vs Yoplait

“Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) -- including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.
It is common practice for Internet users to not click through pages and pages of search results, so where a site ranks in a search is essential for directing more traffic toward the site. The higher a website naturally ranks in organic results of a search, the greater the chance that that site will be visited by a user.”
Yogurts brand such as Activia and Yoplait must understand the importance and complexities of SEO and properly implement it to effectivity gain awareness for their brands. If yogurt brands are able to understand their customers’ search methods and what keyword phrases they used, such as healthy yogurt products, probiotic yogurt, and nutritious yogurt recipes, they can effectively use SEO, which will allows them to better connect with individuals seeking yogurt products


Keywords Used 

  • Delicious
  • Nutritious
  • Probiotic
  • Exotic Flavours
  • Bacterial culture
  • Digestive Issues
  • Balanced
  • Diet
  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Healthy living
  • Fat free
  • No Artificial Sweeteners
  • Digestive Health

Frequency and Location of Keywords
Danone is the name of Activia’s parent company and can be found on the header of the website and throughout various area of the webpage such as the area of the page highlighting the brand’s blog and at the bottom of the page, listing other page links.
The brand name Activia is the most frequent word. Located both in text and imagery throughout the entire website from the main banner to the listing at the bottom of the page.
The word Digestive comes up a few time throughout the website usually on banners, article captions and infographics.
The word Nutritious shows up a lot on banner, captions, and areas highlighting the health benefits of the brand’s products.

 Both Probiotic and Healthy can both be  found throughout the site on banners, infographic, captions, and articles.

The meta data uses some of the keywords. There upload speed is a little slow. The written content is simple but informative. The website mostly uses captions to grab the attention of viewers. Under each caption are short sentences describing a particular topic relating to their brand, products and/or health benefits. The visual content is of good quality. A carousel is placed at the top of the webpage just under the heading, which features banners describing a variety of topics related to their brand and products. The site contains many infographics with clear messages. The infographics are simple but are visually appealing.

The site offers an Opt-in. Though they do offer other social connection such as Facbook and Linkedin. 

SERP Ranking results for "delicious probiotic yogurt" they ranked 1st.


Keywords Used 

  • Greek yogurt
  • 25% less sugar
  • Recipes
  • Goodness
  • Light
  • Frozen
  • Original
  • Payoffs of Protein
  • Count on Calcium
  • Discover Vitamin D
  • Greek 100
Frequency and Location of Keywords

The brand name Yoplait is the most frequent word. Located both in text and imagery throughout the entire website from the main banner to the listing at the bottom of the page.

Original is the second most frequent word on the site. Located both in text and imagery throughout the entire website from the main banner to the listing at the bottom of the page.

Friends in the Fight is a phrase use a few times that appears on both imagery and text. 

The meta data does not use the keywords. The upload speed is fast. The written content very simple using short sentences or phrases relating to particular promotions or benefits. The information is a bit lacking but the message is easily understood and to the point. The visual content is of good quality. It is clear and understandable. The visuals use clean imagery with an appealing design.  The homepage uses a large banner that really capture the viewers’ attentions. 

The site offers an Opt-in. Though they do offer other social connection such as Facbook, Twitter and Linkedin. 

SERP Ranking results for "delicious light yogurt" they ranked 4th.


Activia’s strengths focus on its products health benefits and living a healthy lifestyle. Yoplait’s strengths are in its use of their brand name and nutritious promotions. The keyword sentences “delicious probiotic yogurt” and “healthy yogurt products” are found throughout Activia’s website. Yoplait’s keyword sentences found on their sites are “light yogurts”. When searching for content using the keywords “delicious probiotic yogurt”, Activia ranked first.  When searching for content using the keywords “delicious light yogurt”, Yoplait ranked fourth. The two sites both promote healthy lifestyles in their products, but they are different in what health issues they address. Activia promotes healthy digestion, whereas Yoplait promotes low-fat yogurts.


Although Activia and Yoplait are two of the top healthy lifestyle brands in the yogurt industry, their approach to interacting with their users are unlike each other. To portray their brand image on their site, Activia uses imagery and articles to highlight health benefits, while Yoplait focuses more on the simplicity of their product.
In my opinion, Activia’s website displays superior optimization over Yoplait’s website because it offers better quality and valuable content. Their site is full of imageries such as banners, infographics and images relating to articles, but it is organized in a clean and concise format, so users can find content faster. They also optimized their keyword phrases better than Yoplait. I found Activia’s search results more often than I found Yoplait search results.  


The Real Greek Yogurt Brand - FAGE vs. Chobani

Google's SEO Starter Guide explains that, “search engine optimization is often about making small modifications to [a] website...when combined with other optimizations, 
they could have a noticeable impact on [a] site's user experience and performance in organic search results”.

For Greek yogurt brands FAGE and Chobani, it is important to identify the content their consumers are looking for, and then incorporate these findings into their sites in the form of keyword phrases, like the health benefits of Greek yogurt, nutritional value, recipes, and yogurt flavours.

These keyword phrases are the best indication of what will lead site users to interact with the brand. The objective here is to compare and determine which of these two brands has the higher quality content and SEO.


FAGE Slogan
"Nothing More. Nothing Less" 
Keyword phrases FAGE and #1 Yogurt in Greece appear in the permanent header on every page of this siteThe site also uses FAGE Total quite frequently (as this is their main product), along with all-natural, Greek strained yogurt, rich taste, and flavour.

FAGE Product Menu
Product Menu
The meta data barely incorporates these keywords. 

FAGE's site upload speed is quite fast. Their overall content appeals to the brands simplicity and is to-the-point. Although the content is predominantly written in H1 tag, the site does a decent job of incorporating keywords. 

Opt-ins have not been used to the site's advantage. They still employ a traditional contact page for inquiries (seen below), but do provide links to their brand's Twitter and Facebook page.  
FAGE Contact Page
Contact Page
FAGE's site is not mobile friendly. 

When using all-natural Greek yogurt, the brand ranks 4th on the SERP.

Chobani SEO

A majority of Chobani's keywords are geared towards the way they craft their yogurt, and emphasize their farm-to-fridge philosophy. 

Chobani Fruit on the Bottom - Description
Keyword: Real fruit
Keywords such as real, real ingredients, real fruit, natural, and natural sweeteners are used quite frequently to promote their process and quality. Most of these keywords are repeated across the site.

Chobani Simply 100 Greek Yogurt - Description
Keywords: Greek yogurt +
sweetened naturally
Chobani's meta data better integrates keyword phrases into their site, which help strengthen the brand's image. 

The site upload speed is a bit slower than FAGE's; however, their webpages are more complex and well-structured. They are set up like infographics to provide site users with vibrant images, and more descriptive and engaging content.

Unlike FAGE, Chobani's site includes an opt-in to their newsletter and links to multiple social media accounts. Their site is also mobile friendly. 

Chobani Social Media Links and Newsletter
Links to Social Media and Opt-In
When using yogurt sweetened naturally, the brand also ranks 4th on the SERP. 


Although FAGE and Chobani are two of the top brands in the Greek yogurt market, their approach to connecting and engaging with their users are extremely different. They each transfer their brand image on to their respective sites - FAGE takes a more simple and traditional approach, while Chobani uses imagery and storytelling to showcase its all-natural products.

In my opinion, Chobani’s site is better optimized because it offers higher quality content. Their site is a bit image-heavy, but it is divided and organized into logical chunks, so users can find content faster. This also makes way for the inclusion of their keywords, such as natural, real ingredients, and non-GMO.

Overall, their site is built around the user. It provides them access to different kinds of content, as gives them the option to connect with the brand on multiple social platforms. 



An SEO Analysis of Two Powerful Yogurt Companies

Who is more relevant? Stonyfield or Astro? This all boils down to how well each brand has optimized for keyword phrases in their industry. When looking into both websites, we can see that they are similar in design so as to compete with other brands.

Keywords used on both websites are “fat free”, “thick”, rich”, “delicious” and “recipes”. Each has its own section for recipes and blogs. By utilizing a blog page, content creators are able to generate new content with fresh keyword phrases that pertain to the industry so that they can be used consistently. This allows the company to rank in Google. Astro uses a “Healthy Living” section to provide blog content. We will focus primarily on the product of Greek yogurt for both companies.

By comparing these two websites, we can identify which one has the stronger SEO.

Stonyfield SEO

Example of the Stonyfield website

The Stonyfield website can be found here

Stonyfield uses the keyword phrase "here it is-authentic, organic, Greek yogurt. Plain, simple, thick, rich, and delicious." for its industry and is utilized in H2 headings, body text, and is found frequently throughout its website. The keyword "organic" is used in H2 headings.

The meta data description tags are under utilized with these keywords because they are held for the company background content. The keyword phrase is used in the meta name.

The site upload speed is 69/100. The Stonyfield content, visuals, and layout are bold and striking and reflect the brands organic image. Alt text used is Greek - Plain (5.3oz) which is the name of the product.

Opt ins are well utilized and Stonyfield uses two of these: an email opt in as well as social media connections.

Stonyfield also has a mobile friendly website as seen below:

For Stonyfield, they appear third for keywords "plain, simple, thick, and rich".

Astro SEO

Astro Athentikos is a deliciously thick and creamy Greek yogourt. Used frequently for most of their related products and recipes. The keywords can be found in H2 text as well as body text. Due to the product related titles, the keywords are mostly found in the description (body text).

Example of the Astro website

 The website link can be found here.

This is an example of the meta text used on the Astro website: <meta name="description" lang="en" content="For over 30 years, Astro has been providing great tasting yogourts in Canada. Offering great products under the BioBest, Original, Smooth 'n Fruity, and Zer0% brands, Astro yogourt is part of a healthy lifestyle.">

Astro website loading speed is 63/100  and under performs compared to Stonyfield.

Content is well written and professionally done. High quality product descriptions and layout is strong. Visually appealing and well done. Product displayed front and center with appealing descriptions and images. The alt text used is 2165_Athentikos_2pc_Strawberry_500g_EN_Large_291x265
which is the name of the product image.

Astro uses more of a bulkier layout, however, the header image layout in addition to other product images strengthens this in particular. More visuals can be found on Astro but this somewhat hinders its appearance.

Astro does not appear on the front page of Google search results for “thick and creamy Greek yogourt”.

The call to action is used only once on the Astro website for its social media profiles.

The website is not mobile friendly.


I have found that Stonyfield utilizes more search engine optimization markers than Astro does. By making sure their website is mobile friendly, Stonyfield substantially presides over Astro for overall user experience. As this is the most important SEO markers for websites, Stonyfield becomes stronger than Astro for its optimization overall. Other aspects of SEO that Stonyfield has capitalized on is its use of call to action sections on its website. By allowing visitors a chance to become a member of the newsletter as well as connect socially, they increase their grade. They utilize the alt text on its web pages while adhering to a more balanced but effective site layout.