
Oikos Vs Liberte on Instagram


The Oikos Canada page has 303 posts, 2172 followers, and is following 547 other pages. The Liberte Canada Instagram page has 394 posts, 1889 followers, and is following 1306 other pages. Both brands post pictures on their Instagram pages at least twice a week. Oikos posts content such as contests, like a chance to go to Greece, promotions, their new products, and recipes. Liberte posts mostly recipes and suggestions to put the yogurt in. The description on Oikos’ Instagram page is “Oikos, the dream snack for your cravings. Be our hero! 👇🏻 Soyez notre héros!👇🏻 www.oikos.ca”, and the description on Liberte’s Instagram page is “Liberté Canada Liberté est une marque de yogourt et de produits laitiers frais et naturels. / Liberté is a brand of fresh, natural dairy products. #Liberté”. Both Oikos and Liberte mostly post pictures over videos, and use hashtags in their posts. Some of the keywords and hashtags that Oikos uses on Instagram are Greek, yogurt, snack, yummy, delicious, Foodgasm, and dreamsnack. Liberte uses keywords and hashtags such as probiotics, yogurt, Greek, breakfast, and delicious. Both brands do not use the 50/50 rule in their instagram posts.

Successful Posts

The most successful post on Oikos’ Instagram page is their most recent post which was posted two weeks ago, which has 100 likes and 55 comments. Here's a link to that post: https://www.instagram.com/p/BCqYAyYLKdK/?taken-by=oikos_canada
Oikos' Most Recent Successful Instagram Post to Date
 The most successful post on Liberte’s Instagram page was posted five weeks ago, which has 90 likes and 2 comments. Here's a link to that post: https://www.instagram.com/p/BBqHlsUEzmY/?taken-by=libertecanada
Liberte's Most Recent Successful Instagram Post to Date

 The Oikos post was successful because it was a good promotion idea that would give people the opportunity to win the contest. The Liberte post was successful because they introduced a new product of Liberte yogurt with different flavor that appealed to their consumers.

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