
Oikos Vs Liberte on Facebook


Oikos has about 574,124 likes on their page while Liberte has 160,019. Both Oikos and Liberte yogurt post at least once a week and use both pictures and videos in their posts. Oikos and Liberte yogurt post all kinds of posts on their pages such as promos with coupons, videos to show their commercials, and links to Pinterest ideas for recipes. On Oikos’ Facebook page we see posts promoting new products such as the Oikos Crunch with 4 new flavours, and Oikos Triple Zero with 15g of protein that comes in a few different flavours. On Liberte’s Facebook page there are posts with links to recipes, posts of pictures with different products, and videos of commercials with coupons. Both brands promote new flavours, Oikos uses videos to post their new yogurt while Liberte uses coupons on their page that consumers can use. On Oikos’ Facebook page they use common keywords such as yogurt, Greek, protein and snack, on Liberte’s Facebook page they use common keywords such as Greek, yogurt, taste and delicious. Both brands do not use the 50/50 rule on their Facebook pages.

Successful Posts

Most of their posts are not very popular being under 1000 likes on most of their posts. 

There are some successful posts such as Oikos promotional video with 1.8k likes, 354k views, and 265 shares.

Oikos' Most Recent Successful Post to Date

Liberte’s coupon post with 642 likes and 65 shares.
Liberte's Most Recent Successful Post to Date.

The Oikos post was successful because it was an eye catching video commercial that people enjoyed watching and wanted to share. The Liberte post was successful because it posted a coupon with a discount for their yogurt that appeals to the consumers who want to save money.

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