The marketing
campaign that would be created would be for Liberte.
The idea is that we would
have a promotion where consumers on Instagram would post pictures of their liberte
greek yogurt, or any of their food that contains liberte greek yogurt with a
hashtag of #LiberteGreekCanada2016. Those who do will be put in a draw to win a
trip to Greece for a week. The audience would be consumers who like to eat
healthy, and are interested in travelling. The goals would be to have an
increase in followers of about 1000 and increase traffic with the amount of
Liberte hashtags.
The best time to launch this promotion would be in the beginning
of April and to have the draw by May 1st and for the winner to be on their way
to Greece by May 20. This promotion will definitely be promoted on Instagram
but on Facebook as well as they are both very popular with people posting Instagram
pictures on Facebook. This will attract and acquire the audience as it is a
chance for them to win a trip to Greece, and this will engage them by having
hem post pictures of their food on Instagram with the hashtag