
Reflective Analysis and Thank You!

The final stage of our culminating term project is to evaluate its progress and development through a Reflective Analysis of our social media campaigns.

We'll be going in-depth and discussing:

  • our blogging platform,
  • our social media platforms,
  • promotional strategies,
  • goals,
  • analytics,
  • insights, and
  • tools used during this process.
Check out our Reflective Analysis here!

We'd also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took interest in our content and for engaging with our social media platforms :)


Anna Toppetta , Ross Begbie , and Vijeyta Bali


Liberte Social Media Marketing Plan


The marketing campaign that would be created would be for Liberte. 


The idea is that we would have a promotion where consumers on Instagram would post pictures of their liberte greek yogurt, or any of their food that contains liberte greek yogurt with a hashtag of #LiberteGreekCanada2016. Those who do will be put in a draw to win a trip to Greece for a week. The audience would be consumers who like to eat healthy, and are interested in travelling. The goals would be to have an increase in followers of about 1000 and increase traffic with the amount of Liberte hashtags. 


The best time to launch this promotion would be in the beginning of April and to have the draw by May 1st and for the winner to be on their way to Greece by May 20. This promotion will definitely be promoted on Instagram but on Facebook as well as they are both very popular with people posting Instagram pictures on Facebook. This will attract and acquire the audience as it is a chance for them to win a trip to Greece, and this will engage them by having hem post pictures of their food on Instagram with the hashtag #LiberteGreekCanada2016.


Liberte Fan Page

Fan Page

Just like Oikos, Liberte does not have many fan pages either, I was able to come across a Facebook group with fans of Liberte yogurt. You can find the fan page through this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/39139548897/?fref=ts
Liberte Fan Page

Their description is “For any fan of Liberté yogurt. YUM.”, and they have 216 group members. There are a lot of posts in the group, posts by admin and group members. The content in their posts range from talking about their favourite yogurts to talking about changes in the brand that they disagree on.


Oikos Fan Page

Fan Page

Oikos does not have many fan pages, in fact there was only one we were able to come across, which was a facebook community page. You can find the fan page through this link: https://www.facebook.com/Oikos-Greek-Yogurt-332659363561431/?fref=ts
Oikos Community Fan Page

There is nothing posted on their page just, a profile picture of one of their yogurt products. Their last post was on September 9, 2014, which was their profile picture, and they only have 30 likes.